28th, 29th and 30th october 2009
Beijing, China
Poverty and the environment
We are living in an era of rapid economic globalization, combined with a growing urbanized population and a tense situation on the global environment. The complexity of development issues comes from the numerous implications at stake. Achieving sustainable development is a major challenge which implies to create wealth and reduce poverty, to fight against inequality and to protect environmental resources at the same time. Trade and urbanization are parts of this process and they can no longer be studied separately from their respective impacts on the environment.
The conference has addressed the interactions of both trade and urbanization processes with environmental protection imperatives. It has focused on the case of China, a country experiencing major transitions
3 days of conference
400 participants
60 Chinese and international experts
Speakers have shared their analysis on Chinese priorities while giving broader perspectives on these global issues. The speeches from Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize), Qiu Baoxing (Vice-minister of Construction in China), Ra Jin-Goo (First Vice-Mayor of Seoul) and Rajendra K. Pachauri (Chairman of the IPCC) have drawn particular attention.
The conference, with the support of Chinese official organizations, has led to a strong interest from scientific circles, decision makers, and the media.
The conference publications
► Partners and Organizers
Organizers and Co-organizer
- School of Economics, Peking University
- China Society for World Trade Organization Studies
- Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, Ministry of Environmental Protection
- Institute for International Economic Research, National Development and Reform Commission (China)
- Center for Human and Economic Development Studies, School of Economics, Peking University.
Supporting partners:
- French Environment and Energy management Agency (ADEME, France),
- China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center, Ministry of Transport, P. R. China
- Veolia Environnement
- Professional Committee of the Regional Ecological Economics, Chinese Ecological Economics Society
- International Development Research Centre, Canada
- City on the Move - Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement