- Conference on Health and the Envionment
- FACTS Report on Health and the environment
- FACTS Report on Sufficiency
- The Veolia Institute's 2023 activity report
- The economic and social impact of Artificial Intelligence
- Preview of the CyclOpe 2024 Report ‘Waiting and hoping’
- The Veolia Institute's new magazine on innovation is now available!
- First scientific talk with Professor Yves Lévi
- Summary of the 2022 annual meeting of the Foresight Committee
- CyclOpe 2023 Report "The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- The Veolia Institute's 2022 activity report is online!
- "L'innovation mais pour quoi faire ?"
- The Veolia Institute's new Review on ecological transformation is online!
- The challenges of ecological accounting
- The Veolia Institute's 2021 activity report is online!
- Nature-bases solutions and water security
- Sustainable finance: EU strategy and business
- Food systems are at the heart of many of the environmental issues we all face today
- Water has always been a strategic issue in conflicts
- Tomorrow, the African City
- Discover the Veolia Institute's 2020 activity report
- Water, Waste & Energy: Prospects for essential services in Africa
- Raw materials markets and the Covid-19 crisis
- What role do metals play in the energy transition?
- The Veolia Institute welcomes Amy Luers to its Foresight Committee
- Find the Veolia Institute 2019 Activity Report
- "Indoor air quality: tackling the challenges of the invisible” - The new Veolia Institute publication
- "Urban agriculture: another way to feed cities” - The new Veolia Institute publication
- Overview of geopolitical issues with Thomas Gomart (IFRI)
- 3 questions to Mathieu Detchessahar on new management trends
- The 2018 Veolia Institute activity report is available!
- Conferences-debates on the theme of plastics
- Interview with Nicolas Miailhe, Co-founder and President of "the Future Society"
- The challenge of plastics in the oceans
- Resilient cities The Veolia Institute Review - Facts Reports N.18
- Interview with Philippe Chalmin on Global markets for raw materials
- The Veolia Institute's Activity Report 2017 is online
- Conference Debate Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Filling the gaps in research
- Signals of hope: cultural shifts that are making resource availability possible
- Scaling up resource efficiency
- 'In the long run...' Demand, supply, and the economics of resource availability
- Release of the latest issue of FACTS Reports on Artificial Intelligence
- The Institute's Letter- December 2017
- Conference Debate on Smart Cities
- All the content from the conference is now available
- All the videos from the resource conference are now available
- Follow Lord Stern's Special Address on Nov 2nd for The Institute's International Conference on Resource Availability
- #resourceavailability2017 Conference Launch
- One month to go before the Institute's Resource Availability Conference
- Opening of the colloquium "Resilient cities and regions"
- The Institute's Letter- July 2017
- Release of the latest issue of FACTS Reports on Smart Cities
- Foresight Committee meeting on the Future of Hydrocarbons
- The Activity Report 2016-2017 is online
- 10th International Conference - Resource Availability in a Low Carbon World
- Call for Papers - S.A.P.I.EN.S special issue - Resource Availability In A Low Carbon World
- The Veolia Institute partners with the Oxford Martin School
- Lord Nicholas Stern joins the Institute's Foresight Committee
- The Veolia Institute Letter is available!
- COP 22 – Marrakech – Side Event Institut Veolia et CCAC
- COP 22 – Marrakesh – Side Event Veolia Institute and FERDI “Decentralized electrification and Development”
- Conference-debate & release of the FACTS Report Special Issue « Decentralized Electrification and Development »
- Yuriko Koike, first woman to be elected Governor of Tokyo
- Save the date of October 7: Conference-debate on the “Decentralized Electrification and Development”
- Conference-debate on "The environmental and social acceptability" - FACTS Reports
- The Veolia Institute Letter is now available!
- Discover the key messages of the Methane initiative in a video
- Meeting of the Foresight Committee in Tokyo, Japan
- Conference-debate on the environmental and social acceptability of major industrial projects
- The Veolia Institute Activity Report 2015-2016 is online.
- The podcast of Olivier Godard is online
- The Board of Directors meeting
- The 14th special issue of FACTS Reports has just been published in its English version
- Participation in the WSTB Board meeting - Washington
- The infographic about our Methane Initiative
- S.A.P.I.EN.S. - Publication of a new issue
- The Veolia Institute Letter is online
- The Institute granted the official "Observer NGO" status
- The film on the Methane Conference is available!
- Foresight Committee members' call to tackle methane emissions
- COP21 - Two side-events on December 8 2015
- Follow the Methane Conference on Twitter @InstitutVeolia #ConfMethane #COP21
- Only a few days left before the Conference on Methane
- Methane Conference COP21 J-14 !
- Conference-debate with Olivier Godard
- Conference on Methane COP21 – Speakers Lineup announced
- Activity Report 2014-2015
- Methane conference - Registration is open
- Veolia Institute scientific Talks
- Veolia Institute Talks
The international conferences
- Resource Availability in a Low Carbon World
- Mitigating methane emissions : from science to innovative solutions
- Ecosystems, economy and society: how large-scale restoration can stimulate sustainable development
- RIO+20 – Poverty-Environment Conference
Reconciling poverty eradication and quality of the environment: What are the innovative solutions?
- Special addresses
- Session 1: Poverty eradication and climate change
- Session 2: Poverty eradication and biodiversity
- Session 3 : Poverty eradication and quality of the environment in urban and peri urban areas
- Session 4 : Poverty eradication and quality of the environment, what is the role of the private sector?
- Trade, urbanization and the environment
- Climate 2050: Technology and policy solutions
- Energy, environment, and development: analysing opportunities for reducing poverty
- Public services and Management: designs, issues and implications for local governance
- Education, Environment and Health
- Other international conferences
- Health and the Envionment
- Innovation for ecological transformation
- Ecological transformation
- Circular economy
- Innovating for essential services in Africa
- Viruses, pollutants and air quality
- Indoor air quality
- Urban agriculture & resilience
- Urban agriculture
- How to make plastic circular?
- Reinventing Plastics
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Smart Cities
- Resilient cities and regions
- COP 22 in Marrakesh "methane"
- COP 22 in Marrakesh: side event on decentralized electrification and development
- Conference-debate "Decentralised electrification and development" - FACTS Reports special issue
- Conference-debate on "The environmental and social acceptability" - FACTS Reports
- COP 21 : 2 Side-events
- Environmental economics and sustainable development
- Last-mile delivery and the informal sector
- Haiti: Memories of development
- Participation in the Entretiens du Grand Paris – 3rd edition
- RIO+20 : 2 side-events
- 3 post-conference workshops - Beijing 2010
- Other workshops and seminars
- Écosystèmes, économie et société
- RIO+20 – Conférence Pauvreté - Environnement
- Qualité de l'air intérieur
- Commerce, urbanisation et environnement
- Urban agriculture & Resilience
- Climat 2050 : Solutions technologiques et politiques
- How to make plastic circular?
- Reinventing Plastics
- Resilient Cities
- Economie de l’environnement et du développement durable
- 3 ateliers post-conférence - Pékin 2010
- The Veolia Institute Review - FACTS Reports
- The oldest issues
- Other publications
- Innovation
- Ecological transformation
- Circular economy
- Essential services in Africa
- Indoor air quality
- Urban agriculture
- Reinventing Plastics
- Resilient cities
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics - Special Issue 17 (2017)
- Smart Cities at the Crossroads - Special issue 16 (2017)
- Decentralized electrification and development - Special Issue 15 (2016)
- Environmental and social acceptability of major industrial projects - Special issue 14 (2016)
- Migration and Health - Special issue 13 (2015)
- Last Mile Delivery - Special issue 12 (2014)
- Stories of Innovative Democracy at Local Level - Special Issue 11 (2014)
- Improving Health Among Immigrant Populations - Special issue 10 (2014)
- Haïti : Innovations locales, clés pour un développement durable et inclusif - Special issue 9 (2014)
- Access to Healthcare, Healthcare Funding and Performance - Special issue 8 (2013)
- Livelihoods - Special issue 7 (2013)
- Reconciling Poverty Eradication and Protection of the Environment - Special issue 6 (2012)
- Women's and Children's Health - Special issue 5 (2012)
- Fighting Poverty, between market and gift - Special issue 4 (2012)
- Brazil - Special issue 3 (2011)
- Migration and Health - Special issue 2 (2010)
- Urban Agriculture - Special issue 1 (2010)
The Institute