The Veolia Institute organized its 5th international conference last October in Beijing on the theme "Trade, urbanization and environment". Proposed together with several Chinese academic and official partners, this event allowed to approach a number of essential questions for the Chinese development and to constitute a network of experts. With the aim of maintaining these links and continuing the reflection, the Veolia Institute organized 3 post-conference workshops which gathered 10-15 experts. The organization was made by the Center for Human and Economic Development Studies, School of Economy, Peking University.
► International workshop: Carbon tax
March 13, 2010
Peking University, China
Climate change
► International workshop: Poverty and the environment
July 3, 2010
Peking University, China
Poverty and the environment

► International workshop: Sustainable cities
October 16, 2010
Peking University, China
Cities and urban services