September 19, 2014
Veolia - 48, avenue Kléber 75016 Paris
FACTS Seminar: Social and governance issues
Event co-organized with Fondation de France.

The earthquake that destroyed Port-au-Prince in 2010, killing 250,000 Haitians, called for an urgent response. But in order to rebuild the country, we also needed to set about finding solutions for its sustainable development.
The “Memories of development” project was at the heart of the debate in this seminar. Its main insights are published in a special issue of FACTS Reports: Effective Decentralised Innovations for Sustainable and Inclusive Development.
The presentation seminar brought together some 100 participants, mainly Haitian and French actors engaged on the project and involved with the issues at hand.
There was a stimulating discussion about capitalizing on field innovations, with Haitian experts such as Daniel Henrys, former Health Minister of the Republic of Haiti and founder of GRET Haiti, and numerous development actors.
The first part was given over to the NGOs and sponsors of innovative projects on drinking water access, agriculture, health, reconstruction and education. A round table on the role of innovation for development and cooperation actors drew contributions from the French Development Agency, the Initiatives Group, CIRAD, and the French National Research Agency.
> Download the day’s summary (pdf - 659 KB) - in French
> Download the booklet (pdf - 1.83 MB) - in French
> View the papers in the special issue: Effective Decentralised Innovations for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
Peasant innovations for a triple agricultural revolution
Practical case study: Agriculture
- Michel Brochet, Honorary Engineer General for Rural, Forestry and Water Resources (GREF), pro bono advisor to the NPO SOS Enfants sans Frontières
- Charles Lilin, Agronomist, Engineer General, GREF, ER
An example of successful South-South exchange and North-South partnership
Practical case study: Agriculture
- Jean Chesnel Jean, Ayitica SA (former program manager at Agronomistes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières)
> Download the presentation (pdf - 1.51 MB) - in French
ReparH: constructive cultures and science for reconstruction and local resilience
Practical case study: Reconstruction
- Philippe Garnier, Architect and coordinator of the ReparH project, CRAterre, ENSAG
- Yannick Sieffert, engineer, lecturer and researcher at Université Jean Fournier