June 28, 2011
Maison de la Chimie - Paris
Poverty and the environment
In order to contribute to sustainable development, the private sector must therefore propose solutions that integrate resource management, impact and pollution control, as well as multiple social dimensions – poverty being the most prominent – in a sometimes insecure and unstable context.
The private sector is a key player without which these goals would be impossible to reach.
► Plenary session: Poverty eradication and quality of the environment, what is the role of the private sector?
Marcel ENGEL, Director of the Regional Network and Head of the Development Focus Area, WBCSD

Maria NOWAK, Founding President, ADIE

Mohamed Lamine DHAOUI, Director, Business, Investment and Technology Services Branch, Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division (PTC/BIT), UNIDO

► Thematic session 4.1: Creativity and integration of the informal sector
Sonia Maria DIAS, Waste sector specialist, Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) (Brazil)

Maria Sabrina DE GOBBI, Economist, ILO
Maria Sabrina De Gobbi has been working at the International Labour Organisation since 1998. She has degrees in the areas of economics, law and environmental management. She is currently working as a research economist, but has also been dealing with technical cooperation projects in the past. She has extensive work experience in the fields of microfinance, enterprise development, labour market and employment policies, gender, the informal economy and the environment. Her work has focused mainly on developing countries particularly in Africa and Latin America. She has published on different topics including mutual guarantee associations, mutual financial institutions, enterprise development and women's empowerment, labour market flexibility and security in developing countries, environmental issues in sustainable enterprises, and ecological networks.
Jean-Pierre CLING, Professor of Economics, University Paris 13

► Thematic session 4.2: Is there a place for environmental protection in improving access to basic goods and services for the poor?
Diana MANGALAGIU, Professor, Reims Management School and Oxford University

Eric LESUEUR, Director, Grameen VeoliaWater projects

Gilles VERMOT DESROCHES, Director for Sustainable Development, Schneider Electric

► Thematic session 4.3: Feasibility and implementation of innovative funding
Paul VAN AALST, Director, E+Co Europe

Alain GUINEBAULT, Managing Director, GERES

Julien MEIMON, Project officer for innovative financing, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Appointed Partnerships and innovative Financing for Development Unit Leader, Ministry of Foreign and
European Affairs in July 2010, Julien Meimon has spent the major part of his career in the field of international cooperation. He holds a PHD in Political Sciences and worked for the Ministry of Economy,
Labor and Industry and for the Centre For International Studies and Research (CERI).