Students Grow Their Own Vegetables in School Yards
Abstract: The Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Andhra Pradesh State Cell, implemented the project ‘Student Amateurs in School Yard Agriculture (SASYA)’ with support from UNICEF Hyderabad and the Department of Education (Sarva Siksha Abhiyan) in 150 schools in the Medak district of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Keywords: education, children, nutrition, sustainable development, environment,India
Thematic: Societal issues and Governance

Homestead food production model contributes to improved household food security and nutrition status of young children and women in poor populations
Abstract: Micronutrient malnutrition is a serious public health problem among women and children in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal and the Philippines. Helen Keller International has been implementing homestead food production (HFP) programs (coupled with nutrition education) in these countries to increase and ensure year-round availability and intake of micronutrient-rich foods in poor households, particularly among women and children.
Keywords: health, children, public health, malnutrition, women, food
Thematic: Health and Environment

Community and social responses to land use transformations in the Nairobi rural-urban fringe, Kenya
Abstract: The process of urbanization is one of the most important dimensions of economic, social and physical changes. It is almost a truism that the planet’s future is an urban one and that the largest and fastest growing cities are in developing countries. Approximately 25 percent of Africa’s population lived in towns and cities in 1975. By the year 2000, due to rural-urban migration and rapid rates of natural increase, 38 percent of the continent’s population lived in urban areas.
Keywords: Peri-urban; land-use conversion; response; human agency; community
Thematic: Societal issues and Governance

Technical efficiency and its determinants in garden egg (Solanum spp) production in Uyo Metropolis, Akwa Ibom State
Abstract: The study analyzed the technical efficiency and its determinants in garden egg production in Uyo metropolis using stochastic frontier analysis. A cost route approach was adopted in eliciting information from 90 garden egg farmers selected through simple random sampling technique. The results show that all the production variables analyzed were positive and statistically significant except capital. The implication is that the production function was an increasing function.
Keywords: Nigeria, Productivity, Technical efficiency, Stochastic frontier, Garden-egg production
Thematic: Societal issues and Governance

The Dynamics of Urban Agriculture in Hanoi, Vietnam
Abstract: In many developing countries, urban agriculture makes a significant contribution to the livelihoods of urban populations, in providing food security and income generation. In Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital city, urban agriculture is a longstanding feature, but rapid urban growth is leading to greater competition over land use, such that this practice is being increasingly threatened by conversion to non-agricultural urban uses.
Keywords: Urban agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam, vegetables, land-use competition
Thematic: Agricultural Development

School farming for school feeding: experiences from Nakuru, Kenya
Abstract: School feeding is an important development tool and is related to at least three Millennium Development Goals. School farming has been largely overlooked in the urban agriculture literature but with many parents nowadays unable to afford school lunches for their children, it can play a vital role in reducing the costs involved in providing nutritional meals for pupils.
Keywords: children, Kenya, agriculture, feeding, school, farms, urban
Thematic: Agricultural Development

Urban agriculture as a part of a sustainable metropolitan development program: A case study in Mexico City
Abstract: Planning land use processes are indispensable for designing policies and activities in peri-urban areas, above all because of the impact of the conversion of agricultural land for urban purposes and the possibility of reducing poverty and assuring the food supply.
Keywords: sustainable development, Urban agriculture, metropolitan, urban planning, Mexico City
Thematic: Agricultural Development

Is there a future for Krakovo gardens in Ljubljana?
Abstract: Urban agriculture is more or less marginalized within the theory, as well as within the conceptualization of sustainable development for Slovene towns. The spatial development plan of Ljubljana reflects the situation: permanent and temporary locations for gardens are to be situated all over the town, but there is no place for them in the inner city centre, in visually exposed sites, or near areas of cultural heritage.
Keywords: urban agriculture, multifunctional agriculture, cultural heritage protection, Krakovo gardens, Ljubljana
Thematic: Agricultural Development